
    In-place Editing

    Using In-place Editing

    In the Visual Page Builder, move your mouse over content on your page and a dashed blue border with an "Editable" label will appear around content that can be edited in place.

    Click the content and the In-place Editing mode will be enabled.

    WYSIWYG Form Fields

    Upon entering In-place Editing mode, the CKEditor toolbar will be overlayed above your content, along with a toolbar below containing Apply and Cancel buttons. Type content directly into the page and use the CKEditor toolbar to apply formatting. When you have finished click Apply to exit In-place Editing mode. Alternatively click Cancel to discard your changes.

    After exiting In-place Editing mode, your changes will not be saved until you click Save now in the top right off the screen.

    Input and Plain Text Area Form Fields 

    Upon entering In-place Editing mode a toolbar containing Apply and Cancel buttons will appear below your content. Type content directly into the page and when you have finished, click Apply to exit In-place Editing mode. Alternatively click Cancel to discard your changes.

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