
    Content properties

    Content properties allow you to add content to the :before and :after pseudo elements.

    Adding content properties to a style

    To add Content properties to a style:

    1. Navigate to the Style builder. This is available when you edit Base styles or Custom styles. For more, see Using the style builder
    2. Within the Style editor area, click on the Properties button
    3. Then select Content > (Select a Content sub-group) in the menu.

    The Content properties include the following groups of fields:


    • Image picker - Add an image as a content property.

    For details of each property, see Image content property.


    • Icon picker - Add an icon font as a content property

    For details of each property, see Icon content property.

    Strings and counters

    • Type - Set the type of content to a string, counter or custom string
    • Value - Set the string or counter content

    For details of each property, see Strings and counters properties.

    Counter reset and increment

    Note: Counter reset and increment are not technically Content properties but they are used with the Counter content property so they have been included within this group in the Style builder.

    • Counter reset - Resets the counter to start at 1
    • Counter increment - Sets how the counter will be incremented.

    For details of each property, see Counter reset and increment properties.


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