
    Version 6.0.0 release details

    Last updated: 18th February 2020
    Released: 10th February 2020

    When upgrading your website to the latest version of Acquia Cohesion, database updates will be applied and therefore you can't roll back to the previous version of Acquia Cohesion once upgraded.

    It is recommended applying updates on your development environment and backing up your website including your database before upgrading Acquia Cohesion.

    Known issues

    There are the following known issues with version 6.0.0 of Acquia Cohesion:

    • Generic styles added to WYSIWYG element styles dropdown showing "Generic" rather than the custom style label
    • When saving a translation of a Component Content, an error appears
    • Editing a Style helper doesn't allow the user to save as the machine name validation fails.


    Rebrand from Cohesion DX8 to Acquia Cohesion

    What is it?

    As of version 6.0.0, Cohesion DX8 has rebranded to Acquia Cohesion. Note that the main menu item in the Drupal admin menu is now "Acquia Cohesion" and all references to "DX8" in the user interface have changed to "Acquia Cohesion" or "Cohesion".

    What impact will there be?

    This is a UX/content change only so there is no functional impact however users will see interface changes

    What actions do I need to take?

    No actions are required.

    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    Import and Rebuild drush commands are now prefixed with "cohesion" instead of "dx8"

    What is it?

    As part of the rebrand to "Acquia Cohesion", the existing drush commands have also been renamed.

    drush dx8:import becomes drush cohesion:import

    drush dx8:rebuild becomes drush cohesion:rebuild

    What impact will there be?

    Note that the dx8:import and dx8:rebuild commands are still in place, so your existing deployments will continue to work with no changes.

    However, you should plan to update your usage of these commands as they will be deprecated and removed in a future version.

    What actions do I need to take?

    Change your drush commands to the new ones asap.

    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    Component/Style guide builder - tab fields are now responsive

    What is it?

    The tabbed device available to Component forms and Style guide manager forms is now responsive. This is consistent with how Drupal renders tabs responsively.

    • Tab items within Component forms will collapse into a dropdown menu with an ellipsis button below 768px resolution.
    • Tab items within Style guide forms will collapse into a dropdown menu with an ellipsis when the Style guide live preview is enabled.
    • The selected tab always appears at the top of the dropdown, next to the ellipsis button that opens the menu.
    • To improve keyboard navigation, focus is returned to the ellipsis button when a new tab is selected.

    What impact will there be?

    Improved user experience on tabbed Component forms at lower resolutions and improved user experience on Style guide forms while real-time preview is enabled.

    What actions do I need to take?

    None - this behaviour happens automatically and is not configurable.

    Are there any risks I should be aware of?

    • There are no backwards compatibility or upgrade requirements.

    Machine name are now locked after saving

    What is it?

    Machine names of Cohesion entities will no longer be editable after you have saved the entity. This is to prevent machine names from being changed and breaking links to data.

    What impact will there be?

    The dx8:import and dx8:rebuild commands are still in place, so your existing deployments will continue to work with no changes. However, you should plan to update your usages of these commands as they will be deprecated and removed in a future version.

    Prevent and warn when importing component or style guide with broken linkage to populated content

    What is it?

    If you import a package through the UI that contains a component and/or a style guide with missing fields that previously had content populated against it, you will see a system warning.

    On drush sync:import (when using the option --overwrite-all) if you import a package with missing fields that previously had content populated against it, you will be prevented from importing and be given a summary of affected entities.

    You can choose to ignore it by using the --force option, which will ignore the validation and overwrite all entities.

    What impact will there be?

    Reduces the opportunity to accidentally overwrite existing fields containing content. This prevents the loss of content on sites using a distributed design system and Cohesion style guide manager.

    Style guide manager real-time preview

    What is it?

    The Style guide manager now includes a real-time preview. Users can browse around the website, moving from page to page to see how their changes will affect the appearance of the site before applying them.

    This new feature makes it much quicker and easier to apply styling changes globally to the theme of your website.

    If a style guide field cannot show a preview because it is changing something other than a CSS style, an indicator displays next to the form field telling the user.

    What impact will there be?

    Teams using SGM can now see the changes being in realtime. This allows for faster, more accurate customisation of sites across large multi-site estates for non technical users.

    Improvements to API scalability, fault tolerance and error reporting

    What is it?

    The Acquia Cohesion API has been significantly refactored for this release to fix some legacy issues related to deploying and rebuilding sites at scale.

    Network fault tolerance is improved, and error reporting back to the client is also now more descriptive and useful.

    What impact will there be?

    Less API errors, better reporting capabilities and faster rebuilding when required

    Define the temporary:// stream wrapper for Cohesion to use

    What is it?

    You can set the stream wrapper of the temporary folder for cohesion to use by setting $settings['coh_temporary_stream_wrapper'] = 'mytemp://'; in you settings.php file.

    What impact will there be?

    More flexibility for developers and dev ops to control the configuration to meet the needs of their business

    Component/style guide manager fields - tooltip support

    What is it?

    You can now add tooltips to your component and style guide manager fields.

    When a field has tooltip text specified, a blue help icon will appear next to the label. Hovering over this icon or the label will display the tooltip.

    Placement options Top, Right and Bottom are available.


    • The Entity browser and Entity reference fields have multiple tooltip options as they have multiple fields.
    • The Google map marker field has a single tooltip option which is applied to the Address field in standard view and the Latitude, longitude field when in variable mode.

    What impact will there be?

    Tooltips are available in more places improving UX.

    What actions do I need to take?

    If required these can be added retrospectively.

    Component/helper category improvements

    What is it?

    • Fixed a bug where Category 3 and Category 5 had the same color. Category 3 now has a different color.
    • Added three new categories for a total of 15
    • Improved accessibility of category color selector (visual focus state plus fieldset and legend HTML)
    • Colors now have a tooltip on hover, similar to the color palette
    • While most categories have similar colors as before, some have been changed to provide better contrast and a more consistent color story. When used effectively, this can be used to create sub-categories within a specific color group.

    What impact will there be?

    Significant improvements in accessibility. End users will see a different color when first using the updated version.

    Region element has a new option for all themes

    What is it?

    The region element has a new option, "All themes". When selected, all regions in the active themes are shown in the region select list and will render out the region, regardless of what theme is set as default.

    What impact will there be?

    More flexibility in the use of regions in components and templates for sites that use multiple themes and Style Guide Manager.

    Additional warnings when deleting a component that is in-use

    What is it?

    When attempting to delete a component that is in-use, the site builder will now see a list of entities where the component is in-use on the delete confirmation page.

    If the component is in-use on component content and the site builder deletes it, the component content entities for the component will also be deleted.

    What impact will there be?

    It will be easier to detect potential data loss issues with package imports.

    Bug fixes

    Optional background image on component renders invalid css

    What is it?

    Fixed a bug where setting a image field to a background image on a lower breakpoint would render invalid CSS if this image was not populated instead of inheriting for the higher breakpoint.

    Modal element - jQuery animation settings

    What is it?

    Fixes a bug where a scale animation was being applied to a triggered modal that was set to have no animation (default setting).

    Now the modal will instantly appear when triggered, if jQuery animation is set to None.

    If no cohesion enabled theme is installed, it returns a js error on component preview

    This fixes a javascript error when no theme with cohesion enabled is installed and trying to preview a component.

    Fixed issues around required fields and tokens

    What is it?

    • Fixed a bug where it was possible to circumvent form validation and apply the sidebar editor when in variable Mode.
    • Fixed an issue where adding a token to a required field did not count as the field having a value for its validation criteria.

    Layout canvas not loading in Internet Explorer 11

    What is it?

    Fixed a bug where a Javascript error stopped the Layout canvas from loading correctly in Internet Explorer 11.

    Link to page element not working as expected with translations

    What is it?

    Fixed a bug where using the Link to page element within a component on a translated site, the link was linking to the incorrect translation. 

    Steps before upgrading

    As with any version of Acquia Cohesion, we recommend that you backup your websites database and code before upgrading the version of Acquia Cohesion. There are no other specific steps to carry out before upgrading to this version.


    It is recommended that you backup and upgrade your website on a development environment before applying to a production website. You can upgrade your version of Acquia Cohesion by following our upgrade guide.

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