
    Classes used by accordion tabs elements

    The accordion tabs elements have a number of classes that can be used to target and style specific aspects of your accordion or tabs device. You should only use these if you understand the impact of doing so.

    Interactive classes

    • .is-active - Plugin class added to the active tab and accordion title, which also instigates the expand/collapse behavior. There is no in-active class - ‘is-active’ is simply toggled on and off
    • .is-disabled - Plugin class added to the tab if it is disabled.

    Container classes

    • .coh-accordion-tabs-display-accordion - Class applied to container when in accordion mode
    • .coh-accordion-tabs-display-tabs - Class applied to container when in tabs mode
    • .coh-accordion-tabs - Outer container <div> for the accordion tabs container
    • .coh-accordion-tabs-inner - Inner container <div> for the accordion tabs container
    • .coh-accordion-tabs-nav - Class added to list <ul> that contains tab links. Only displayed in tab mode
    • .coh-accordion-tabs-content-wrapper - Class added to container <div> that surrounds accordion title and content. Displayed in both accordion and tab modes
    • .coh-accordion-title - Class added to title element of accordion content. Only displayed in accordion mode
    • .coh-accordion-tabs-content - Class added to container <div> that surrounds accordion content. Displayed in both accordion and tab modes.
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