
    Display properties

    Set the type of box used to render an element.


    Options and behavior:

    • Inline - Set the element to display inline 
    • Inline-block - Set the element to display inline as a block. Inline-block elements can be given a width and height
    • Block- Set the element to display as a block. Block elements can be given a width and a height
    • None- Turn off the display of the element and all of its children
    • Table- Set the element to behave like a table element
    • Table-cell - Set the element to behave like a table-cell <td> element
    • Flex - Set the element to a flex container
    • Inline-flex - Sets the element to an inline flex container

    For a useful guide on Flexbox see

    See the diagram below to help you understand the affects of these properties.




    Options and behavior:

    • Visible - Set the element to be visible on the page
    • Hidden - Hide the element so that it won't appear
    • Collapse - Removes a row or column in a table. This is only relevant for table elements. If selected on a non-table element, they will instead be hidden.


    Options and behavior:

    • Visible - Set the element to be visible on the page
    • Hidden - Hide the element so that it won't appear
    • Scroll - Overflow content is hidden, but a scroll bar is added to view it
    • Auto - Adds a scroll bar to view overflow content by default.


    Set what happens to the overflow content of an element to its left and right.

    Options and behavior:

    • Visible - Overflow content is visible outside the content box
    • Hidden - Overflow content outside the content box is hidden
    • Scroll - Overflow content is hidden, but a scroll bar is added to view it
    • Auto - Adds a scroll bar to view overflow content by default.


    Set what happens to the overflow content of an element at its top and bottom.

    Options and behavior:

    • Visible - Overflow content is visible outside the content box
    • Hidden - Overflow content outside the content box is hidden
    • Scroll - Overflow content is hidden, but a scroll bar is added to view it
    • Auto - Adds a scroll bar to view overflow content by default.

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