Version 8.0.0 release details
Last updated: 12th August 2024
Released: 12th August 2024
When upgrading your website to the latest version of Acquia Site Studio, database updates will be applied and therefore you can't roll back to the previous version of Acquia Site Studio once upgraded.
It is recommended applying updates on your development environment and backing up your website including your database before upgrading Acquia Site Studio.
Known issues
- The core Big Pipe module continues to be incompatible with Site Studio
- A regression introduced in Drupal core 10.2.5 relating to CKEditor can impact content editing whilst using Site Studio - please apply this patch to maintain data consistency when editing content.
Removed Drupal 9 Support
What is it?
This update removes support for Drupal 9, it supports a minimum Drupal core version of 10.2.2.
What impact will there be?
Sites running on Drupal 9 will need to be upgraded to a supported version to continue receiving updates and support.
What actions do I need to take?
Ensure that Drupal core is on version 10.2.2 or later.
Are there any risks I should be aware of?
If a website is using Drupal 9, it can not use this version of Site Studio until Drupal core is updated to at least 10.2.2.
Added Drupal 11 Support
What is it?
This update adds support for Drupal 11.
What impact will there be?
You can now run Site Studio on Drupal 11 sites, taking advantage of new features and improvements in Drupal 11.
What actions do I need to take?
Ensure your site is running Drupal 11 to utilize the latest features and improvements.
When upgrading a site and attempting to use a WYSIWYG editor with the Site Studio text format you may encounter a console error relating to the "image_upload" plugin. If this is the case the text editor configuration will need to be updated, and it likely caused by the "image_upload" plugin is set to "false" then all other settings for that plugin should be removed.
Are there any risks I should be aware of?
JSON:API element support
What is it?
Adds support for elements that have been added to a Node Layout canvas to be available in the JSON API output.
What impact will there be?
If a Node Layout canvas contains elements these will be available in the JSON API output.
What actions do I need to take?
Are there any risks I should be aware of?
Toggling Site Studio default elements
What is it?
A new feature that allows users with the correct permission to toggle Site Studio default elements that are not in use on the site. This feature is ideal when starting a website build and "out-of-the-box" elements are not required, however, it can be used at any point where an element is not being used on the site.
What impact will there be?
By default, all Site Studio elements are enabled on new and existing Site Studio installs. Elements can be enabled/disabled from the admin UI - /admin/cohesion/configuration/elements-toggle-settings
and each element can only be disabled, if that element is not in use. When an element is disabled, it will no longer be available to be used when building out components, templates & helpers. If a user attempts to import a Site Studio package where a disabled element is used, the import process will fail with a message.
The element usage needed for toggling the elements can be generated using batch or cron on the admin UI page or run using the follow drush command: drush sitestudio:element-usage
What actions do I need to take?
Run a cache clear, drush updb / database updates. Navigate to /admin/cohesion/configuration/elements-toggle-settings
to enable or disable elements once the element usage data has been generated via batch or cron.
Are there any risks I should be aware of?
Layout Canvas Governance module and permissions
What is it?
A new module, that when enabled will provide granular control over what a user can do with the layout canvas.
This will add the following options:
- "administer layout canvas add" - This will remove the add button in the layout canvas and visual page builder, remove it from the layout canvas and visual page builder node dropdown, and remove single clicking a layout canvas node to alter your insert position and opening the sidebar browser
- "administer layout canvas configure" - This will remove the configure button in the layout canvas and visual page builder node dropdown (provided a user has the ability to configure components)
- "administer layout canvas delete" - This will remove the delete button in the layout canvas node dropdown and visual page builder component toolbar dropdown, it will remove the keyboard commands to delete a layout canvas node
- "administer layout canvas drag" - This will remove drag and drop on the layout canvas and visual page builder
- "administer layout canvas duplicate" - This will remove the duplicate button on the layout canvas node dropdown and visual page builder component toolbar dropdown, it will also remove the keyboard shortcut to duplicate.
- "administer layout canvas edit" - This will remove the edit button on the layout canvas dropdown and visual page builder component toolbar, it will also remove being able to double click a layout canvas node.
- "administer layout canvas save" - This will remove the save button for the layout canvas node dropdown and visual page builder component toolbar dropdown, and it will remove the save button in the layout canvas and visual page builder canvas dropdown
What impact will there be?
When the module has been enabled and if a user does not have the appropriate permissions, certain parts of the UI will be disabled for them. Only enable this module if you require these granular permissions.
What actions do I need to take?
Install the new governance module and run a Site Studio import.
Are there any risks I should be aware of?
That by enabling this module you may lock out users unintentionally.
Bug fixes
Users are able to use empty spaces to get around required validation
What is it?
Resolves an issue where users were able to get around any required validation by using empty spaces
What impact will there be?
Now empty spaces will not usable for validation, and will still show a required message to users.
What actions do I need to take?
Site Studio Import.
Are there any risks I should be aware of?
If you have purposefully avoided validation, this will now fail when you try to resave.
Users are unable to use media browser field and WYSIWYG media button on the same component
What is it?
Resolves an issue where users were unable to open the media browser from the media browser field and then use the CKEditor WYSIWYG media button. This would cause overrides to incorrect fields.
What impact will there be?
All instances of media library will open and apply correctly to the appropriate fields.
What actions do I need to take?
Site Studio Import.
Are there any risks I should be aware of?
Steps before upgrading
As with any version of Acquia Site Studio, we recommend that you backup your websites database and code before upgrading the version of Acquia Site Studio. There are no other specific steps to carry out before upgrading to this version.
It is recommended that you backup and upgrade your website on a development environment before applying to a production website. You can upgrade your version of Acquia Site Studio by following our upgrade guide.