
    Version 6.8.0 release details

    Last updated: 14th January 2022
    Released: 14th January 2022

    When upgrading your website to the latest version of Site Studio, database updates will be applied and therefore you can't roll back to the previous version once upgraded.

    It is recommended applying updates on your development environment and backing up your website including your database before upgrading Site Studio.

    Known issues

    • Using the collapse all feature on the layout canvas or component form builder will collapse all elements, fields and components on both layout canvases.


    Layout canvas undo and redo

    What is it?

    Adds a new feature to the layout canvas to allow you to undo changes to the layout canvas and redo. Two buttons are added to the top of a layout canvas allowing you to go back and go forward with your changes.

    What impact will there be?

    Two new buttons added to the layout canvas.

    What actions do I need to take?


    Are there any risks I should be aware of?

    There is the risk of manually deleting data by using the buttons inadvertently.

    Copy token button

    What is it?

    Adds a new feature to the layout canvas to allow you to copy the token value of the layout canvas node. This allows you to easily copy and paste tokens without having to type them manually any more.

    What impact will there be?

    A new button on layout canvas nodes. Improved usability.

    What actions do I need to take?


    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    Updated Package entity definition

    What is it?

    We have updated the entity definition of Package config entities - config_prefix now matches entity id. Where previously entity id was cohesion_sync_package and config_prefix was package, now both are cohesion_sync_package.

    What impact will there be?

    There is no impact to packages exported via Site Studio package management mechanisms. Package entity definitions exported via Drupal should be renamed to use updated prefix.

    What actions do I need to take?

    If package entity definition was exported as an individual file via Drupal config, the file should be renamed in order for it to work correctly. For example, file exported as cohesion_sync.package.pack_test_package.yml should be renamed to cohesion_sync.cohesion_sync_package.pack_test_package.yml.

    Are there any risks I should be aware of?

    If Site Studio Package entity was exported via Drupal configuration management and package file is not renamed, importing such file will prevent the entity from behaving as expected, for example it will not appear in Package list.

    Custom elements can be containers

    What is it?

    Custom elements can now be containers, this allows other elements to be placed inside them. This gives developers more flexibility when creating custom elements.

    What impact will there be?

    There is no impact on existing custom elements.

    What actions do I need to take?

    To make a custom element a container you need to implement a few extra bits of code. Please see an example in the example element module of how to implement: example_element/src/Plugin/CustomElement/ContainerExample.php

    Please see how to create a custom element user guide for more information.

    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    Rebuild events

    What is it?

    When a rebuild operation is run, an event is dispatched at the time the operation starts and completes. This allows developers to write event subscribers to listen for these events and trigger further actions if required.

    What impact will there be?

    Events will be dispatched during a Site Studio rebuild.

    What actions do I need to take?

    To take advantage of these events, event subscribers will need to be created in custom code.

    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    Node revision delete module now a soft dependency

    What is it?

    A message will appear when installing Site Studio via composer suggesting to install the node revision delete module. If the node revision module isn't installed a message will also appear on the Drupal status page.

    What impact will there be?


    What actions do I need to take?


    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    New sync command to list out sync packages

    What is it?

    A new drush sync command drush sitestudio:package:list which lists available sync packages created using the package manager.

    What impact will there be?

    Running the command will list out available sync packages names and IDs in the CLI.

    What actions do I need to take?


    New Drush command for exporting and importing Site Studio Packages

    What is it?

    We are adding new Drush command that allows Site Studio Package export and import via individual files. This command no longer encodes Images and keeps Config files individually, allowing for better Developer experience. Config files are exported with pretty-printed Json, allowing for human readability and review of exported config. Images and other files exported with the package are now exported in their respective formats. Both individual files and full package export options are available.

    What impact will there be?

    The new commands will not be compatible with config exported by using old commands. Old commands are still available for use. The new Package export and import will behave in a way that is very similar to the Drupal config export and import via Drush.

    What actions do I need to take?

    We encourage trying new Import and Export commands as they significantly reduce the time required for Package import and export. Additional information about the new commands is available here

    Are there any risks I should be aware of?

    Mysql settings for max_allowed_packet on the environment needs to be large enough to be able to handle whole package in a single Database transaction.

    In context editing of Components has been removed

    What is it?

    In context editing functionality is being deprecated in Drupal core, therefore support for in context editing on Components and Component content on the front-end has been removed in line with this.

    What impact will there be?

    Components and Component content in context editing will no longer be available. The Visual page builder can be used to edit a Site Studio layout canvas on the front end - please see using the visual page builder for building pages and editing content.

    What actions do I need to take?


    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    Bug fixes

    Undefined breakpoint on menu template

    What is it?

    Fixes a bug where an error would be thrown in the console when using menu template Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'xl' of undefined on menu template.

    What impact will there be?

    Using template will not throw that error.

    What actions do I need to take?


    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    Some content not rendering when inside of a pattern repeater

    What is it?

    Fixes a bug where some components content was not rendering when within a patter repeater.

    What impact will there be?

    Components that use pattern repeaters and are not rendering content will start rendering as expected.

    What actions do I need to take?


    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    Permission "access contextual links" is no longer required for using Visual page builder

    What is it?

    The permission "access contextual links" is no longer needed to use the Visual page builder.

    What impact will there be?

    Access contextual links permission is no longer needed to use the Visual page builder.

    To use the Visual page builder these permissions are needed:

    • Use toolbar
    • Site Studio Visual page builder
    • Site Studio Access components group

    What actions do I need to take?

    If the permission "access contextual links" was applied to a role specifically to allow access to the Visual page builder this can be removed.

    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    Multilingual letters in a paragraph element don't create line breaks

    What is it?

    Fixes a bug when using a paragraph and entering some multilingual letters which included line breaks, were not breaking onto separate lines as expected.

    What impact will there be?

    Multilingual letters will now line break as expected within paragraph elements.

    What actions do I need to take?

    You should perform a drush cohesion:import & drush cohesion:rebuild

    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    Visual page builder throws an error in the page contains a block with a layout canvas

    What is it?

    The visual page builder would not work and return an error if the page contains a block that has a layout canvas. This could be a custom block or a view rendering entities with layout canvases

    What impact will there be?

    No impact but it is worth noting that only the layout canvas of the page can be edited with the Visual page builder. Any entity rendered by a layout canvas that itself contains a layout canvas would need to be edited in the admin

    What actions do I need to take?

    You should clear cache: drush cr

    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    Expose component content to views

    What is it?

    Adds the relevant data handler to enable component_content entities to be utilised with the views module.

    What impact will there be?

    It will now be possible to create custom views listing component_content entities.

    What actions do I need to take?


    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    Modals not working on AJAX enabled views when an AJAX action occurs

    What is it?

    Fixes a bug where modals used on an Ajax enabled view, would not open after the Ajax action had been triggered.

    What impact will there be?

    Modals loaded with Ajax will now work as expected.

    What actions do I need to take?

    You should perform a drush cohesion:import

    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    Youtube no cookie URLs not working correctly with the video element

    What is it?

    Fixes a bug where inputting a Youtube no cookie URL was still using the normal embed URL.

    What impact will there be?

    Youtube no cookie URLs will now work as expected.

    What actions do I need to take?

    You should perform a drush cohesion:import

    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    Theme specific templates not properly deleted

    What is it?

    Fixes a bug where templates that are more specific would not be deleted and still be selected as the template to render. Only deleting all templates and run a drush cohesion:rebuild would fix the issue

    What impact will there be?

    There is not impact, follow the instructions below to resolve the issue

    What actions do I need to take?

    You should perform a drush cohesion:rebuild

    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    Changing the "Base Unit Font Size" causes the media queries to be incorrectly calculated.

    What is it?

    Fixes a bug when changing the Base font size is Base unit settings from 16px, CSS media queries were being incorrectly calculated into rem units.

    What impact will there be?

    All Site studio generated CSS styles will now use pixel (px) units on CSS media queries.

    What actions do I need to take?

    drush cohesion:rebuild

    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    PHP notices appearing when using Better exposed filters module

    What is it?

    This fixes a bug where some PHP notices were appearing when using Better exposed filters on a view.

    What impact will there be?

    No PHP notices will appear relating to Better exposed filters.

    What actions do I need to take?


    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    "Package" entity appearing in "exclude entity types" package UI list

    What is it?

    The package entity was appearing within the exclude entity types list when creating a package in the UI, this could produce a blank package export if "packages" was selected to be excluded.

    What impact will there be?

    The package entity can no longer be excluded from packages.

    What actions do I need to take?


    Are there any risks I should be aware of?


    Steps before upgrading

    As with any version of Site Studio, we recommend that you backup your websites database and code before upgrading the version of Site Studio. There are no other specific steps to carry out before upgrading to this version.


    It is recommended that you backup and upgrade your website on a development environment before applying to a production website. You can upgrade your version of Site Studio by following our upgrade guide.

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