
    Menu button element

    Use the Menu button element on your Menu template to toggle submenu visibility.

    Locating the menu button element

    To find the Menu button element:

    1. Navigate to Site Studio > Templates > Menu templates
    2. Create or Edit a Menu template
    3. Click the + button on the Layout canvas
    4. Within the Elements tab, look for the Menu button element.

    Button text

    • Button text - Set some text to be displayed within the menu button.


    • Interaction - Set the interactive behavior of your menu button within your menu.

      • On click, toggle sub-menu visibility - When the user clicks the menu button it will show or hide the sub-menu
        • jQuery animation - Apply a jQuery animation on hover of the link to the 'Target jQuery selector'. Depending on the animation selected additional related options will appear. More information about the animations here:
          • Target jQuery selector - Set the selector to target, for example .dropdown
          • Easing - Set the jQuery Easing to apply. 
            More information about the Easing options here:
          • Duration (ms) - Set in milliseconds, how long the animation should take to complete.
      • On click, toggle sub-menu visibility and hide sibling items - When the user clicks the menu button it will show or hide the sub-menu and close other sub-menus at the same level
        • jQuery animation - Apply a jQuery animation on hover of the link to the 'Target jQuery selector'. Depending on the animation selected additional related options will appear. More information about the animations here:
          • Target jQuery selector - Set the selector to target, for example .dropdown
          • Easing - Set the jQuery Easing to apply. 
            More information about the Easing options here:
          • Duration (ms) - Set in milliseconds, how long the animation should take to complete.
      • On click, toggle parent menu visibility - When the user clicks the menu button it will show or hide the parent menu
        • jQuery animation - Apply a jQuery animation on hover of the link to the 'Target jQuery selector'. Depending on the animation selected additional related options will appear. More information about the animations here:
          • Target jQuery selector - Set the selector to target, for example .dropdown
          • Easing - Set the jQuery Easing to apply. 
            More information about the Easing options here:
          • Duration (ms) - Set in milliseconds, how long the animation should take to complete.

    Custom style

    • Button style - Sets a custom button style for the Menu button. For more information see Creating custom styles.

    Match heights

    • Match heights - Match the height of the element using
      • None - Removes the match heights at the specific breakpoint
      • Class - Match the height of the element with another element with the same class name
      • Children with class - Match the heights of any child elements with the same class name
      • Child element - Match the heights of all child elements of the same type.

    For more information on Match heights, see Match the heights of elements.


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