
    Select form element

    v7.5.0 introduces advanced select field capabilities for providing dynamic values from a range of sources.

    Use the Select form element to add a select (drop-down) field to your Component form. You can create custom selects or use existing selects from within the elements.

    For more information about creating editable components, see Create an editable component.

    Locating the select form element

    To find the Select form element:

    1. Navigate to a component
    2. Click the + button on the Component form builder
    3. Within the Fields tab, look for the Select form element.


    The Select element includes the following fields:

    Title field

    • Provide a name for the form element. Important: This will be displayed in your component form.

    Field settings

    You can either create a Custom select field or use an Existing select from within an Element.

    To create a custom select:

    1. Within Type, choose Custom select field
    2. Enter a label in the Label field. This is what the end-user will see in the Select.
    3. Enter a value in the Vaule field. This is the value that will be applied when the user selects the option
    4. Click + Add option to add additional options to the select.

    To use an existing select:

    1. Within Type, choose Existing select field
    2. Within Element tab, select the Tab within the Element the select field you require belongs to
    3. Within Element, select the Element the select field you require belongs to
    4. Within Field group, select the Field group the select field you require belongs to
    5. Within Field, select the Select field you require.

    You can convert Existing selects into Custom selects. Simply find the select you want using the 'Existing select' process (described above) and then click Custom select. All the values from the Existing select will be populated as Custom select options. You can then add or remove options as you require.


    • Option - When you have created your select field they become available within the Option field so you can select a default value.


    • Tooltip text - Enter tooltip text here.
    • Tooltip placement - Define the position of the tooltip on hover of the field.
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