
    Border and outline properties

    Border and outline properties allow you to add and style the orders of an element.

    Adding border and outline properties to a style

    To add Border and outline properties to a style:

    1. Navigate to the Style builder. This is available when you edit Base styles or Custom styles. For more, see Using the style builder
    2. Within the Style editor area, click on the Properties button
    3. Then select Border and outline > (Select a Border and outline sub-group) in the menu.

    The Border and outline properties include the following groups of fields:

    Border width

    • Equal width - Set all borders to the same width in pixels
    • Top - Set the top border in pixels
    • Bottom - Set the bottom border in pixels
    • Left - Set the left border in pixels
    • Right - Set the right border in pixels.

    For details of each property, see Border width properties.

    Border radius

    • Equal radius - Set the radius of all corners
    • Top left - Set the top left radius
    • Top right - Set the top right radius
    • Bottom left - Set the bottom left radius
    • Bottom right - Set the bottom right radius.

    For details of each property, see Border radius properties.

    Border style

    • Equal style - Set the style of all borders
    • Top - Set the top border style
    • Bottom - Set the bottom border style
    • Left - Set the left border style
    • Right - Set the right border style.

    For details of each property, see Border style properties.

    Border color

    • Equal color - Set the color of all borders
    • Top - Set the top border color
    • Bottom - Set the bottom border color
    • Left - Set the left border color
    • Right - Set the right border color.

    For details of each property, see Border color properties.

    Outline width, style and color

    An outline is a line that is drawn around elements, outside the borders. Outlines are applied to all sides. You can set the following properties:

    • Width - Sets the width of the outline
    • Offset - Sets how far outside the element the outline is drawn
    • Color - Sets the color of the outline
    • Style - Sets the style of the outline.

    For details of each property, see Outline properties.

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