
    Ckeditor 4 > Ckeditor 5

    Site Studio version 7.0 introduces support for Ckeditor 5, when upgrading from an earlier version of Site Studio you will be required to manually update any text formats from Ckeditor 4 to 5.


    Note: A Ckeditor 5 text format is included when installing Site Studio v7.0 for the first time.


    Upgrade steps

    • Upgrade to the latest version of Site Studio on Drupal 9.x
    • Ensure Ckeditor5 module is enabled
    • Visit admin/config/content/formats

    • Edit Cohesion/Site Studio text format:
      • Select Ckeditor5 from available text editors

      • Click CKEditor5 plugin settings > Style tab
        • check Add Site Studio styles

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