
    Media elements

    Use media elements to add media to your layout. For more on using the Layout builder see Using the layout builder.

    Locating the media elements

    To find the Media elements:

    1. Navigate to a component or a template with the Layout canvas
    2. Click the + button on the Layout canvas
    3. Within the Elements tab, look for the Elements listed under Media elements.

    media elements 5.0.png

    Media elements include the following:


    Use the Image element to add an image to your layout. For more information, see Image element.


    Use the Picture element to add a picture to your layout. For more information, see Picture element.


    Use the Video element to add an HTML5 video to your layout. For more information, see Video element.

    Video background

    Use the Video background element to add a background video to your layout. For more information, see Video background element.

    Youtube video embed

    Embed a Youtube video from a URL. For more information, see Youtube video embed element.

    Youtube video background

    Embed a Youtube video as the background of a container. For more information, see Youtube video backgrounds.

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