
    UIKit button(s) component

    The Button(s) component provides the option to add a button (Link styled as a button) to a layout. It also provides the option to add multiple buttons displayed in a row or a column. 

    Key information about this component:

    Layout canvas elements

    • Container - The Pattern repeater and Link element are placed within a Container. This is required to align the buttons Left, Center, or Right.
    • Pattern repeater - The Button element includes a link element nested within a Pattern repeater. The pattern repeater allows multiple buttons to be added. The Pattern repeater is linked to the Field repeater within the Component form.
    • Link element - Provides the link element.

    Component form fields

    • Link to page or URL - The page or URL for the link.
    • Button text - The text displayed on the button.
    • Target - The target window.
    • Button style - The style of the button. To add new styles to this, create additional Link custom styles and update the Select field.
    • Align buttons - Align the buttons to the Left, Center, or Right.
    • Desktop, Tablet and Phone layouts - Switches the layout of multiple buttons from Row to Column at each breakpoint.
    • Add space below - Adds a margin to the bottom of the container around the buttons. This is required to separate the buttons from content that might be placed below them.
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