
    Map components

    You must have entered your Google Maps API key within the Site Studio > Google Maps API key page to use the Google map component.

    The Google map component is for adding a Google map with one or multiple map markers to a layout. 

    Layout canvas elements

    • Google map - Provides the google map.
    • Pattern repeater - Allows for multiple pins to be added to the map. The Pattern repeater is linked to the Field repeater in the Component form.
    • Google map marker - Provides the individual map markers and the content for the marker info windows.

    Component form elements

    The fields within the Content tab of the component form are included within a Field repeater. This provides the functionality to add multiple pins. 

    • Google map marker - This provides a group of fields used to enter the location of the map marker.
    • Marker info window - A Formatted text box for providing map marker information.
    • Map aspect ratio - Sets the aspect ratio of the map.
    • Space below map - Adds a margin to the bottom of the container around the buttons. This is required to separate the map from content that might be placed below it.
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