Link element

    Use the Link element to add an <a> in the form of links and buttons to your layout. 

    Locating the link element

    To find the Link element:

    1. Navigate to a component or a template with the Layout canvas
    2. Click the + button on the Layout canvas
    3. Within the Elements tab, look for the Link element.


    The Link element includes the following fields:

    Link and interaction

    • Link text - Add the text for your link
    • Title attribute - Add a title attribute for your link
    • Type - Select the type of link
      • Internal page - Link to an internal page
        • Link to page - Type the name of the internal page you are linking to.
      • URL - Link to a URL
        • URL - Enter the full URL of an external web page.
      • Anchor - Link to a page Anchor
        • Anchor - Enter an Anchor ID. You do not need to include the #.
      • Back to top - Add a smooth scroll back to the top of the page
      • Scroll to - Add a smooth scroll to a jQuery selector
        • Scroll target - Enter a jQuery selector to target an element to scroll to.
        •  Scroll duration - Enter the time it will take for the scroll to complete in milliseconds.
        • Offset type
          • Offset against element - Offset the top of completed scroll position by the height of an element. Target the element using a jQuery selector.
          • Offset in PX - Offset the top of completed scroll position in pixels.
      • Modifier - Toggle, add or remove a modifier class on an element using on-click. For more information, see Add on-click interactivity to elements
    • Open modal - Link to open a modal
      • Trigger ID - Enter the ID of the modal trigger, this is the ID of this element
        Adding a trigger ID will allow for the focus will return to the body when the modal closes. 
      • Modal ID - Enter the ID of the modal to open
    • Target window - Select the target window for the link. 

    Custom style

    Match heights

    • Match heights - Match the height of the element using:
      • None - Removes the match heights at the specific breakpoint
      • Class - Match the height of the element with another element with the same class name
      • Children with class - Match the heights of any child elements with the same class name
      • Child element - Match the heights of all child elements of the same type.

    For more information on Match heights, see Match the heights of elements.


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