Site Studio UIKit
Over 50 drag and drop components and a library of helpers for common website layouts
The UIKit includes over 50 website components and a library of helpers for common layouts.

A flexible system for almost infinite layouts
The UIKit combines flexible layout components with basic content components to provide you with almost infinite layout and content configurations.

Smart components keep your content looking right
The UIKit helps you create content that looks right. Using smart components, content creators will need to make fewer decisions to keep content on brand and accessible.

Ready for dark, light and colored sites
The UIKit includes styling for dark, light and color sites. Adjust the palette to your brand colors and use the inbuilt content color themes to contrast with your site color.

Responsive across desktop, tablet and phone
All components will automatically respond to desktop, tablet and phone-sized screens. For more specific requirements, the layout components allow you to control how they behave at each device size.

Typography that works
Spend less time working out type sizes for paragraphs, block quotes, lists and headings across different screen widths. The UIKit includes a complete set of styles for typographic elements.