Can I use Drupal Fields?
Yes, you can use Drupal fields in certain parts of Site Studio.
Yes, you can use Drupal fields in certain parts of Site Studio.
It depends on the use case. For fields and their field formatters use a 'Field' element, for data without field formatters, use a token.
You probably have Bartik set as your active theme. This has a dark background to the page. To change this, set Site Studio minimal as your default theme.
This is because you have the page title block in the content region.
Yes. Site Studio provides many features to help you make your website more accessible.
This is due to a known issue on the slider plugin which Site Studio uses.
Yes. You can create tables within a WYSIWYG element if a contributed module is enabled.
Yes. You can use Geo fields on your content type and then connect them to a the Google map marker element within your template.
Yes, you can template custom entity types. There are some hooks that need to be implemented.
Yes. Contextual filters on views work as configured within the Drupal view.
Yes, the component link field supports both internal and external URLs.
No, the entity browser does not work for component defaults as the entities are content, not config.
Running the composer update command will update any composer packages that have newer versions available.
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