What are color tags used for?
Color tags allow you to create groupings of colors based off of the color tags that you define in the website settings color palette.
Color tags allow you to create groupings of colors based off of the color tags that you define in the website settings color palette.
You have to upload a JSON file to provide the index of the icons within your chosen icon font.
The style preview may not be updated because the refresh icon hasn't been toggled to the active state.
Yes, you can render react components.
Yes, you can add custom functionality to your site through the use of custom Drupal modules, sub-themes, and custom elements.
Yes. If you're a developer you can create your own custom elements. These will appear within the 'Custom element' category in the Sidebar browser.
Yes. If you develop your own Custom elements you can use them within Components and make their fields editable within your them.
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